Saturday, April 27, 2019

Dominated by Her Stepdaughter, Chapter 94

Annabel disappeared briefly and returned carrying a couple glasses of water, one of which she handed to Lissa, who was leaning back against the headboard looking dazed. She had never in her life experienced anything like what she’d just been through — it had been wonderful and amazing, but her mind was kind of blown.

Looking over at Carla, who was reclining in her chair looking gorgeous and imperious, Lissa knew that she owed a debt that she badly wanted to repay in some way. Like Annabel, she had been raised with a very Midwestern sense of fairness. So after taking a couple minutes to rehydrate and pull herself together, she walked over to where Carla was and dropped to her knees.

Carla opened her legs, releasing a waft of female arousal that made Lissa’s nostrils flare. Lissa licked her lips and leaned forward, inhaling a deep lungful of that heady smell. Truth be told, though Lissa had known she was a lesbian since she was very young, she’d only had a few lovers in her life. Every new pussy was very special to her, almost holy. She planted a kiss on Carla’s bush, then gently licked each soft inner thigh before extending her tongue for a first tentative taste.

It went straight to her head. She began to lick Carla eagerly, almost ferociously, taking Carla by surprise. She stuck her tongue deep inside, drinking deep of Carla’s delicious nectar. Carla adjusted her position, bracing one hand against Lissa’s shoulder as she fucked the other girl’s face.

Annabel sat on the edge of the bed and began to touch herself as she looked on. Lissa was not, she thought, the most skilled pussy-licker she’d ever seen; she felt her own technique was superior. But Lissa had a passion and a sincerity that seemed to make Carla happy, and Annabel derived a lot of pleasure from seeing it.

Although she was somewhat clumsy in her approach, Lissa managed to make Carla come a couple of times. It was enjoyable and appreciated, but Carla still felt she wanted more; she needed something inside her. So she stretched herself out on the bed and had Annabel fuck her with a face dildo while Lissa sat on her face; that did the trick. When she’d climaxed a few times this way, she felt pleasantly drowsy, and at her urging the three of them called it a night soon after.

* * *

In the morning Carla and Annabel drove Lissa to the bus station. The goodbye was surprisingly sentimental, given that they had known each other less than 48 hours. Lissa gave serious thought to not leaving, and Carla thought about asking her to stay; but both of them had a sense that their incredible day together had been one of a kind, and that it would be better to leave it that way, and have something special to remember.

As for Annabel, she of course would have gone along with whatever Carla decided. But though she liked Lissa and had enjoyed the time they’d spent together, she didn’t care for the idea of having to share Carla full-time. Sexual adventures were one thing, but having a third person live with them would have been another.

From the bus station they headed straight for the grocery store. It was now the 3rd of July, and there was a lot of preparation to be done for the party the next day. Carla intended to make a real feast, including home-baked bread.

All the rest of that day and the much of the next was devoted to cooking, with Carla running the show and Annabel serving as sous chef. By 4 P.M. on the 4th everything was set and they were in costume waiting for guests to arrive.

Carla was both excited and nervous. There was always a moment right at the start of a party where she felt certain it was going to be a disaster — no one was going to show up, or the food would be bad, or the guests wouldn’t get along. But it was almost part of the ritual now to have this moment of panic.

She sipped a glass of wine to calm herself as she checked the two pots of pasta sauce she had simmering on the stove. One was just regular sauce, but the olive oil in the other one had been infused with a generous amount of the Mighty Aphrodite she’d gotten from Katya. You couldn’t taste anything different in the sauce, though, so Carla decided it would be a good idea to give people some way to tell them apart.

After thinking about it for a minute, she went to the computer and printed out two copies of a marijuana-leaf symbol. She drew a circle through one and put a line through it, then taped the two pages near the appropriate pots.

Bread was baking in the oven, and that combined with the sauce filled the kitchen with an absolutely delicious aroma. Several bottles of good wine were aerating on the kitchen table, hors d’oeuvres were waiting in the dining room, and on the whole everything was as ready as it could be.

Annabel was arranging chairs on the back deck, and for a minute Carla stood watching her, enjoying the way she moved in the metallic bikini. Carla had been so focused on party prep that she’d engaged in no sexual activity of any kind for almost two whole days — a rarity for her. Her pussy was all atingle, and she gave serious thought to going out there and having her way with Annabel right at that moment — but then the doorbell was ringing.

She went to answer it but stopped on the way to check herself in a mirror. She made a good Wonder Woman, she thought. The headdress looked a little silly, but the costume hugged her curves beautifully and the thigh-high boots were sexy as hell. The wrist cuffs made for a nice BDSM-ish accessory.

Carla adjusted her boobs and turned toward the door just as the doorbell sounded again. At that moment Annabel appeared, heading toward the door, so Carla decided to let her answer it. As she passed their eyes met and Carla smiled. “Showtime.”


Friday, April 19, 2019

Dominated by Her Stepdaughter, Chapter 93

Lissa lifted her head from between Annabel’s legs and Carla kissed her, relishing the strong taste of Annabel on her mouth. Carla pushed her tongue into Lissa’s mouth and Lissa accepted it gratefully; Carla then sucked on her lips until she had cleaned every last trace of Annabel’s juices off of them.

Carla stood Lissa up and her dress, which had been gathered around her waist, fell to the floor. Lissa stood there now in just white cotton panties, trembling a little. She looked so young and vulnerable that Carla felt a surge of warm sympathy. In truth, Lissa was only a little younger than Carla. But Carla was so much more self-assured and mature that she felt decades older.

Taking Lissa by the hand, Carla led her out the kitchen, motioning for Annabel to follow them. Before heading upstairs, Carla paused long enough to drop a few ice cubes into a glass and fill it with whiskey. Then the three of them made their way to Carla’s bedroom, a hush of anticipation suffusing the air around them. Lissa’s big, innocent eyes were wide and her heart was beating fast. This whole situation was so exotic to her, she could still scarcely believe it was happening. She’d known she was a lesbian since she was very young, but had had only a few lovers, and never a threesome.

Laying Lissa down on the bed, without a word Carla blindfolded her, then lifted her hands over her head and tied them to the headboard. Lissa yielded without hesitation, showing a touching trust in this person who, after all, she barely knew.

Carla took a sip of her drink and sat it back down on the bedside table, then nodded to Annabel and they both took up positions at the foot of the bed. Each of them took hold of one foot and they gently spread Lissa’s legs wide open; Lissa moaned softly in expectation of what was to come.

Annabel now stretched forward and began to lavish attention on Lissa’s breasts while Carla kissed her calves, her knees, her thighs. Together they teased Lissa slowly into a state of almost unbearable arousal. Finally Carla kissed her through the crotch of her panties and then pulled it aside, revealing a sopping wet pink pussy framed by ample, dark brown pubic hair.

Meanwhile Annabel had worked her way down Lissa’s belly and she and Carla took their first tastes of Lissa simultaneously. Lissa groaned helplessly and almost immediately began to shiver through a climax; she was so sensitized that the barest touch was enough to send her over the edge.

Leaving Annabel to her ministrations, Carla took another sip of whiskey, then fished an ice cube out of the glass. When Carla touched the ice to Lissa’s neck she yelped, twitching reflexively and pulling fruitlessly at the bonds that held her hands. Carla smiled and traced the cube down Lissa’s chest, across her swollen nipples, and then down her side to her navel, where it was left to melt.

Carla grabbed another cube and ran it up and down Lissa’s inner thighs, leaving a thin film of liquid which she then began to lick off. Working in tandem she and Annabel gave Lissa a long series of orgasms, each one more powerful than the last. Lissa cries grew louder and more animated, then began to taper off; apparently the poor dear just couldn’t handle any more pleasure just then. Carla kissed Annabel hard on the mouth, deeply satisfied with what they had accomplished so far, and ready for the next phase.

* * *

Standing and stretching, working out the slight kink that she’d gotten in her neck, Carla sipped her whiskey and looked down at the bound, blindfolded form on her bed. Lissa’s panties were completely soaked and badly rumpled; it was time for them to go, so Carla pulled them off and impulsively stuffed them into Lissa’s mouth. That mouth would have work to do later, but she didn’t need it just then.

After stripping off her clothes, Carla found her current favorite strap-on and harnessed up. Pulling off Lissa’s blindfold, Carla stood over her, letting her get a good look at the prodigious phallus. Carla nodded to Annabel, who knew what her duty was in this moment; she scooted over and ran her tongue up the length of the shaft, then took the head into her mouth. Carla took hold of Annabel”s head and pushed the mighty girth deep into her mouth, noting that Annabel’s deep-throating skills had improved tremendously in the time that they’d been together.

When Carla pulled out of Annabel’s mouth with an audible pop, a few drops of saliva fell onto Lissa’s face. Lissa gazed up at Carla with a look of sweet, unquestioning submission; Carla thought it was just about the sexiest thing she’d ever seen.

Carla moved back to the foot of the bed, again pulling Lissa’s legs apart. Her labia were gaping open, just begging to be penetrated. Carla slid a finger inside, enjoying the way Lissa squirmed in response, then shuffled forward until the tip of the strap-on was pressed against her vulva.

Lissa bit her lip and sighed as the head pushed into her. Looking down into Lissa’s eyes, Carla gave it to her slowly and gently, thoroughly enjoying every bit of the pleasure she was giving. If that isn’t altruism, she asked herself, what is?

Annabel busied herself kissing Lissa’s lips, licking her ears, sucking her tits. When finally she leaned down and lapped at Lissa’s clit, Lissa came harder than ever, spasming violently and calling out for God.

Carla withdrew the strap-on from Lissa’s slit and plunged it into Annabel’s mouth, giving her a nice mouthful of nectar. In her brief time with Carla Annabel had become quite a connoisseur of pussy juice, and she found Lissa’s especially sweet and tasty. Carla then resumed fucking Lissa, harder than before, driving up deeper into her with every stroke. When she finally relented Lissa lay there limp and spent and covered with sweat.

Stepping back from the bed, Carla wiped her brow and took a deep breath. That was enough altruism. She removed the strap-on and picked up her glass, then sat down heavily in the chair by the window. She told Annabel to go ahead and untie Lissa, and sat for a few minutes sipping whiskey and gazing out the window. There was no need to be in a hurry; she was going to get what was coming to her.


Monday, April 15, 2019

Dominated by Her Stepdaughter, Chapter 92

As they drove home from the yoga studio, Lissa told Carla and Annabel that she’d had a “moment of clarity” during the class and made a big decision: She was heading home to Wisconsin, moving back in with her parents, maybe going back to school. Looking out the window as the landscape of Los Angeles rolled by she said, “I don’t belong here.”

Carla wasn’t sure how to respond to this. On the one hand, she hated to see anyone give up on their dream. On the other hand, she got the sense that Lissa was probably right; this was not the place for her. After thinking about it for a few minutes, Carla offered to buy Lissa a plane ticket home; she demurred, saying that she’d prefer to take the bus. It would give her some time to think about what she was going to do with her life.

As soon as they got home, Carla got online and bought Lissa a ticket on a bus that left the next morning. She wasn’t sure why she felt such a sense of urgency about it, but somehow it seemed like the right thing to do.

Afterward Carla opened a bottle of wine and she and Lissa sat at the kitchen table as Annabel started making dinner. Annabel was still wearing her yoga clothes but had dutifully put on her collar; it made for an incongruous but very sexy combination.

As they talked, Carla noticed that Lissa’s gaze kept drifting back to Annabel — and why not, she looked absolutely stunning in her form-fitting outfit, especially when she bent over, which happened several times as she worked. Watching Lissa watch Annabel, Carla began to get ideas; the hankering that she’d felt during yoga class, which had abated somewhat in the meantime, now came surging back.

But she hesitated to do anything about it. Up to now her generosity toward Lissa had been entirely altruistic, and she felt good about that. If she took advantage of the situation now, it would feel like she was buying something. So she restrained herself all through dinner, but by the time she was having dessert — dark chocolate and her third glass of wine — she felt her resolve weakening.

When Annabel stood up to start clearing the table, Lissa moved to help, but Carla held her arm and insisted that she stay seated. “You’re our guest,” she said. “And Annabel lives to serve. Isn’t that right, honey?”

Annabel smiled and nodded, alert to the fact that the atmosphere in the room had suddenly become charged. The look in Carla’s eyes said she was up to something.

As Annabel cleaned up Carla sipped her wine and had a little conversation with herself. She was being stupid, she told herself; why deny Lissa, as well as Annabel and herself, what could be a truly beautiful experience? Who really gained from her pretending to be so selfless and righteous?

Carla glanced back over at Lissa, who was now blatantly staring at Annabel’s ass as she bent over the dishwasher. That made up Carla’s mind for sure.

“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” said Carla.

Knowing she’d been caught ogling the older woman, Lissa reddened a little as she nodded. In truth, she was very attracted to both Carla and Annabel, but Annabel was more her type; the only serious girlfriend she’d ever had had also been a blue-eyed blonde.

“She’s also very obedient,” continued Carla. “Annabel, come over here and give Lissa a kiss.”

Lissa’s eyes went wide and her heart was pounding in her chest as Annabel docilely crossed the room, bent over, and pressed her lips softly against the younger girl’s. They shared a long, lingering kiss that got both of their juices flowing; Carla was already copiously wet between the legs.

When Annabel straightened up again, Carla said, “Now show her your tits.” Annabel did as she was told, pulling off her top and letting it drop onto the table. Her rose-pink nipples were standing up tall and proud, just inches from Lissa’s face.

Lissa looked over at Carla, surprised and excited, hardly believing what was happening. She seemed to be asking permission, so Carla nodded her head almost imperceptibly. Lissa extended her tongue and licked one nipple, then the other; then parted her lips and took one into her mouth. Annabel moaned softly, and that seemed to snap something within Lissa. She moved quickly to the other breast, stretching her mouth wide to take in as much of it as she could, while gripping Annabel tightly around the waist with both hands.

Carla grinned and quickly gulped the last bit of wine in her glass. Then she stood up, walked over behind Annabel, and hooked her fingers into the waistband of her stepmother’s yoga pants on either side. She slowly pulled the pants down until they were on the floor at Annabel’s feet, then pressed herself against Annabel from behind.

Lisa watched with her mouth hanging open as Carla’s right hand slid across Annabel’s belly, down through her thatch of blond hair, and between her legs. Annabel parted her thighs slightly and Carla slid a finger inside her, giving Lissa’s eager eyes a glimpse of the bright pink inside. Lissa licked her lips and her nostrils flared as she got a strong whiff of Annabel’s arousal.

“Would you like a taste?” asked Carla. Lissa just gaped at her, unable to speak. She didn’t really need to anyway; the answer to the question was obvious. Carla patted the surface of the table with one hand and Annabel obediently hopped up onto it; Carla pushed her back onto the table and spread her legs so her lusciously wet pussy was staring Lissa right in the face.

Lissa scooted forward in her chair, panting like a dog, and again looked over at Carla. There was joy in her eyes, and desire, and gratitude. Carla found herself wondering what she’d been so worried about earlier — wasn’t this a good thing for all of them?

After placing a kiss on Annabel’s mound, Lissa lapped gently at her inner thighs. Annabel sighed and let her legs fall farther open. Carla now moved over behind Lissa and bent forward, giving her a perfect view as Lissa’s tongue traced across Annabel’s pussy lips and then pushed between them.

Lissa had changed back into her new dress before dinner, going braless for comfort. Carla now slid the straps down off her shoulders and pulled the front of the dress down, reaching both hands down to cup Lissa’s breasts and stroke her nipples. They were already rock-hard but grew harder still as Carla stimulated them.

Leaning down, Carla began to lick and nibble on Lissa’s neck as she continued to explore Annabel’s pussy with her tongue.  Annabel had braced her feet against the back of the chair Lissa was sitting on, arching her back to push her crotch into the younger woman’s face.

Soon Annabel was coming, letting out a loud, uninhibited howl that made Carla’s whole body vibrate sympathetically. Carla’s heart was beating fast and her nether regions were throbbing, but she took a deep breath and told herself to relax. There was so much that she wanted to do, and they had the whole night to do it in.


Friday, April 12, 2019

Dominated by Her Stepdaughter, Chapter 91

After thinking about it for a few minutes, Carla decided on another trip to the same bar they’d visited two nights before, wanting to be someplace comfortable and familiar. She may also have had in the back of her mind the idea of a return engagement with Amira and Loren, but they were nowhere to be seen. In fact it was a very slow night at the bar, with only a handful of customers present.

Instead of the jazz band, music was being provided by a lone girl with an acoustic guitar. She was playing and singing quietly, and her face was mostly hidden behind an asymmetrical — and, Carla thought, not terribly flattering — haircut. All that was visible was a wave of light brown hair streaked with a few lines of scarlet dye.

Carla and Annabel got their drinks and sat down at a corner table. There was a soft murmur of conversation in the room, but Carla kept finding her attention drawn back to the musician, who seemed to be playing one incredibly sad song after another. She did not have the best voice, but there was something compelling about her performance. She radiated sincerity, making the listener really feel her emotions, and wish they could do something to help her.

After a few songs they moved closer and Carla gazed into her face, trying to get a better look and make eye contact if she could. Finally the girl shook her head and the hair swept to one side, revealing a lovely, fine-featured face and the biggest, saddest brown eyes Carla had ever seen. Seeing Carla look at her, the musician smiled shyly and shook her head again, causing a tumble of hair to once again fall across her face.

At first Annabel was a little put out at Carla’s focus on the young singer, who didn’t appear to be old enough to actually drink in the bar she was playing in. But eventually she too was won over, and she sensed something different about Carla’s interest in this girl. Carla eyes were not burning with lust, but dewy with tender feeling.

When the set was over Carla clapped loudly and enthusiastically, and Annabel quickly joined in. When the girl peered out at them from behind her hair it was clear that she was blushing, embarrassed by the ardency of their response.

A guitar case was open on the ground with only a couple of loose dollars in it. Carla opened her purse, took out all the cash inside — about $50 — and dropped it into the case. Taken aback, the singer stood up and sat her guitar down in the chair she’d just vacated. She was tallish, with a body shape undefined under a flannel shirt and loose jeans. It appeared that she was starting to say something — her mouth moved, but nothing came out.

Carla started to chat her up, and though she was quiet at first, after a few minutes she began to open up. Carla bought all of three of them drinks and they huddled together at a quiet table. Over the next hour Carla learned the following: The singer’s name was Lissa, and she had moved from Wisconsin to L.A. about a year ago to try and make it in the music business. It had not gone well — she was a shy and quiet person with no gift for self-promotion, and though she’d made a couple of contacts with producers, both of them had turned out to want to fuck her before they’d do anything to help her career.

In the meantime she’d quickly burned through her savings and though she’d had a number of day jobs, she kept losing them for one reason or another. Three times she’d moved to a smaller apartment, and just that day she’d been evicted from the latest one. Everything she still owned — a duffel bag full of clothes and her guitar — she had with her at the bar. She’d been hoping to make enough in tips that night to get a hotel room, but even with Carla’s generous contribution she was falling short.

Both Carla and Annabel felt warmly sympathetic to Lissa’s plight, and Carla did not hesitate to invite her to spend the night with them. She was hesitant to accept, stuttering “Gee, that’s awfully nice of you, but...”

Carla waved her off. “I’m not taking no for an answer,” said Carla firmly. When she had made up her mind about something, her voice carried a lot of authority; Lissa didn’t argue any further. Carla was happy; it felt very satisfying, actually, to be able to help someone who really needed it.

By now the bar was about to close, so they loaded Lissa and her stuff into the car and drove home. Annabel set Lissa up in the guest room and all three of them called it a night. Upon crawling into bed Annabel kissed Carla warmly and cuddled up on her shoulder, touched by the way she’d shown generosity to a stranger in need.

* * *

By the time Carla and Annabel came downstairs in the morning, Lissa had already showered and dressed, and had mixed a bowl of eggs that she then threw on the stove to make omelets for everyone. She seemed much more lively than the night before, refreshed perhaps by a good night’s sleep in a comfortable bed.

“Your house is so beautiful,” said Lissa. “This is the kind of place people dream of living in.”

Carla looked around; it was hard to argue with her. The sun was shining on the ocean, reflecting dazzling ripples of light into the kitchen. Carla was struck suddenly by how lucky she was to live the way she did. She may have had issues with her father, but her there was certainly no faulting the way he provided.

Lissa was a gifted cook, it turned out; the omelets were phenomenally delicious and Carla wolfed hers down with embarrassing speed. When Lissa offered to make her another, Carla hesitated only briefly before saying OK.

Carla studied Lissa as she cooked. She was a pretty girl with wonderful eyes, it was just a shame about that haircut. Well, that was situation that could be rectified. As a matter of fact, she and Annabel were in need of a little neatening up, so Carla called her stylist and made appointments for all three of them.

After breakfast Annabel did the dishes and Carla took Lissa out onto the deck. Dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, Lissa looked every bit like the wholesome Midwestern girl she was, or at least had been. Carla found it strange that she hadn’t once thought about Lissa in a sexual way. It wasn’t that she was unattractive; more that she seemed like such a lost soul, it was hard to feel sorry for her and lust after her at the same time.

Carla wondered what Lissa thought her and Annabel’s relationship was. Annabel had been wearing her collar since the previous night, but she and Carla hadn’t been particularly demonstrative in Lissa’s presence. Still, Lissa had to know there was something between them.

At the stylist Carla and Annabel just got trims, but Lissa emerged with a chic little bob that revealed much more of her face, changing her appearance dramatically. Feeling beneficent, Carla treated all of them to mani/pedis, then they went clothes shopping. At Carla’s behest Lissa tried on dozens of different outfits before settling on a flowery summer dress that completed her transformation into a whole different person.

At one point Lissa balked at having so much money spent on her, and Carla told her not to worry about it. “My father has more money than God,” she said. “It’s a pleasure to spend some of it on someone other than myself.” She had almost said “someone who really needs it,” but stopped herself just in time; she wanted to build Lissa up, not tear her down.

After shopping they had a late lunch and then went to a yoga class. Carla insisted on treating Lissa to yoga clothes from the studio’s boutique, and upon seeing her in them, found her libido beginning to rev. Lissa was long and lithe, with a perfectly rounded little butt and high, well-formed breasts. The top she was wearing showed off her narrow waist and a lean, flat belly that any model would have been proud of; it was probably the result of poverty as much as anything, but it looked good.

The teacher of the class was an older woman with short hair who was in great shape for her age but not Carla’s type. She was glad; she was suddenly feeling horny and the sight of Asha might have driven her into a frenzy. As it was, Carla had a hard time concentrating on the poses. Looking around at the many lovely women in the room, and at the two splendid specimens on either side of her, she felt a distinct tingle between her legs. Something would have to be done about that sooner or later.


Friday, March 22, 2019

Dominated by Her Stepdaughter, Chapter 90

As the morning light gradually came streaming into the house, Carla began to see all the ways in which it was not as clean as she would have liked with a big party coming up. Although Annabel took pride in doing her own housecleaning, her standards were not as high as Carla’s, a situation that would have to be rectified.

Carla declared that the day would be devoted to cleaning, and furthermore that no clothing would be worn during the process. And so after breakfast they began to move from room to room, Annabel wearing only gloves and her collar, and Carla nothing at all. Annabel did the bulk of the work; Carla occasionally pitched in, but more often distracted Annabel by fondling or fingering her. Several times this led to them 69ing on the floor for an extended period during which nothing was accomplished.

By late in the afternoon the house was sparkling clean and they had fucked in just about every room. Carla suggested that they go out to a nice restaurant as a reward for their day’s accomplishments, and so they showered and dressed up, Annabel in a short red cocktail dress and Carla in a relatively conservative black gown.

The restaurant they went to was one of Carla’s very favorites, an upscale Italian place with a creative menu and a spectacular wine list. She had also noticed that for some reason it seemed to attract an unnatural number of beautiful women. This night was no different. The customers included several straight couples, some families, and a few groups of women — but every female in the place, of whatever age, was exquisitely lovely.

The waitress was also a looker, a tall young woman with dark hair who could have passed for Carla’s older sister. Her nametag said “Jude.” When she handed them menus Carla saw her gaze linger for a moment on Annabel’s neck. Only then did Carla notice that Annabel was still wearing her collar — she had simply forgotten to take it off. Carla smiled and bit her lip, looking meaningfully into Jude’s dazzling green eyes.

The hint of a grin curled Jude’s lips on one side, and she met Carla’s stare with a level gaze that nonetheless had something knowing in it. Carla immediately imagined the three of them writhing naked on a bed — she’d never made love to anyone who looked so much like her.

But Jude quickly resumed her professional demeanor and took their drink orders. When she returned with their bottle of wine Carla tried to flirt with her, but she didn’t take the bait — it might have been that she was just too busy, as the restaurant was really hopping. As soon as they’d ordered their meals Jude was off to her next table.

Carla sipped her wine and looked around at the other diners. There were many fine specimens but eventually her eyes settled on two women sitting at the very opposite end of the restaurant. The younger of the two looked to be about Carla’s age and was an absolute stunner — half-Japanese, Carla guessed, with gorgeously soft skin and the face of an angel. She also, Carla noticed, was wearing a collar — though hers was thinner than Annabel’s and had a little lock dangling from it.

The older woman was close to Annabel’s age, maybe a few years older, with dark blond hair pulled back in a ponytail. Her appearance was very prim and proper but there was something sensual, almost depraved, about her face. Carla decided that the younger woman she was with was her stepdaughter, and also her submissive lover.

Of course Carla’s mind began racing with ideas of all the fun things the four of them could do together. She would start by trading slaves, having Annabel go down on the older woman while the younger one licked Carla’s own pussy. Imagining that beautiful head down between her legs, Carla felt her juices begin to flow.

Just then the blonde turned and appeared to look straight at Carla. Though she rarely felt embarrassed to be caught looking, Carla felt momentarily abashed, imagining that the woman knew everything that had been going on in her head. It turned out she hadn’t even seen Carla and was looking around for her waitress. Still Carla felt chastened and returned to her attention to Annabel.

But now and again during the meal Carla glanced over again at the two women. Their body language definitely indicated that they were intimate — they were sitting very close together, with their heads often inclined toward each other, talking in low voices and smiling enigmatically.

By the time they finished their meal Carla had three glasses of wine in her and was feeling bold. Leaving Annabel at the table, she went out to the car and grabbed two party invitations out of the back seat. Back inside she marched right up to the table where the two women were sitting; they looked at her curiously and waited for her to speak.

“Sorry to interrupt your meal,” said Carla.

“Not a problem at all,” answered the older woman. “Do I know you from somewhere?”

Carla studied the two of them, happy to have a chance to look them over up close and without trying to be subtle about it. Had she seen them before? At Blair’s, at a bar, at yoga? It was possible, but she felt like she would have remembered them. “I’m not sure, to tell the truth,” she said.

“Hmm,” purred the blonde. “You do look familiar. Anyway, what can we do for you?”

Carla sat the invitation down on the table. “This is kind of random, but I’m having a party on the 4th of July, and I thought you might like to come.” She didn’t put any emphasis on the word “come,” but she let it hang in the air for a moment. “It’s always fun to meet new people.”

The two of them studied the invitation for a few seconds. “Our schedule is a little up in the air at this point,” said the older woman finally. “But we might be able to squeeze it in. Thank you for the invitation.”

“You’re welcome,” said Carla. “Hope to see you.” As she turned to go the younger woman favored her with a big smile that warmed her heart and made her tingle between the legs.

Only when she got back to her own table did Carla realize that she’d neglected to introduce herself or to ask the two ladies for their names. She shrugged; she was glad she’d at least made the approach. Maybe something would come of it, maybe it wouldn’t.

The two women left soon after, glancing back at Carla and Annabel as they did and whispering to each other. They laughed and waved before heading out the door.

Carla and Annabel dawdled over dessert and coffee, and when their check finally came Carla left Jude an invitation along with a generous tip. Outside the night was warm and the last rays of sunlight were still lingering in the sky. Carla took a deep breath and pondered their next move.


Friday, January 25, 2019

Dominated by Her Stepdaughter, Chapter 89

Carla and Annabel slept late and lingered over breakfast. Neither one of them said much as they drank tea and ate eggs and toast — in their minds both of them were replaying scenes from the previous night, which had been a long and eventful one.

In the afternoon Carla wanted to go shopping for yoga gear. This was how she was when she had a new passion — she enjoyed the process of acquiring all the necessary equipment. She and Annabel drove to a specialized store where she bought mats, blocks, blankets, and more straps than she really needed. This last item fascinated her, so she had to have one of every kind that the shop sold.

Upon returning home they adjourned to the living room to do a few poses — naked, of course, since at home they had that option. It was a pleasant way to pass the time.

At one point when they were in downward dog Carla did something she’d always wanted to do in yoga class — wriggled underneath Annabel and lay there looking up at her, not touching, just admiring her gorgeous body. Her nipples were hard and her pussy was a little slick, looking wonderfully delicious, but Carla was in ho hurry — she wanted to savor every second of this session. Finally she leaned up and placed one kiss on each nipple and one on Annabel’s blond mound, then returned to her own mat.

They moved gradually through every pose they could think of, ending up on boat pose, with hands in the air behind their backs. Annabel had her eyes closed, as she often did, and so was not aware of Carla coming up to her until she felt something being wrapped around her wrists.

Annabel opened her eyes and looked back over her shoulder at her stepdaughter, who was smiling while tying off the strap to bind Annabel’s hands behind her. Leaning down, Carla rested her full weight on Annabel, pushing her into the ground, planting kisses on her ears, neck, and shoulders. Then Carla abruptly pivoted and came to rest sitting in front of Annabel with her legs spread, presenting her pink, puckered pussy.

Annabel did not hesitate to dive in. She had become highly aroused during the naked yoga session, and was more than ready for some action. She had Carla coming almost immediately, but Carla quickly sent her back to work. Annabel dutifully kept at it until Carla had come twice more and had pussy juice running down her butt-crack onto the floor.

Finally satisfied, for the moment at least, Carla stood up and threw two more yoga straps over her shoulder. She helped Annabel up, took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom. There she pushed Annabel face-down onto the bed and used a strap to tie each of her ankles to a bedpost — the long way, so that her flexible legs were spread as far as they would go. In this position her lewdly exposed pussy looked like a ripe, juicy half-peach.

Carla dropped to her knees for a taste. She had intended to tease Annabel for a while, maybe including a spanking, but she found herself greedily devouring that delicious cunt. She hooked a thumb inside, stimulating Annabel’s clit with her fingers, her tongue stabbing here and there. Poor Annabel came over and over and over until she was left whimpering quietly, body wracked with spasms that seemed like they’d never stop. And Carla was just getting started.

* * *

Carla left Annabel tied to the bed as she went downstairs for a cold drink. Between the yoga and their exertions afterward, she’d worked up quite a thirst. She realized that Annabel must have too, but it would be hard for her to drink from a glass in her current position, and Carla didn’t want to untie her just yet.

So Carla filled a bowl with water and took it upstairs, where she sat it down near Annabel’s head. Annabel drank gratefully, if somewhat awkwardly. Carla hadn’t necessarily set out to make her stepmother look like a dog, but she enjoyed the sight of it. “Bitch,” she muttered under her breath.

“Hmmm?” said Annabel.

“Never mind,” said Carla. She knew what this particular bitch needed right now. She went to her bedside table and began to rummage through the drawer, looking for the right strap-on for the occasion. She finally settled on a pink one that was not her biggest, but had an upward curve to it that she thought would stimulate Annabel in interesting ways.

After harnessing up Carla stood idly by the window for a minute, stroking the shaft of her cock, letting Annabel think about what was going to happen next. Annabel gazed over at her admiringly, struck by the incongruous silhouette of her ample breasts and enormous phallus. Just for a moment she found herself wishing that it was a real, live, throbbing member. But on the other hand, whatever else you might say about her, Carla was absolutely and without question a woman. Annabel wouldn’t dare think of changing anything about her.

Carla crossed the room to take up a position behind Annabel, whose eyes tracked her until she was out of sight. Taking a deep breath, Annabel braced herself for impact, but Carla entered her very gently, sliding in millimeter by millimeter.

Even so, it wasn’t long before Annabel was screaming loudly and uninhibitedly as Carla pounded into her. The curved dildo was touching her in some unexpected places and she almost felt like she had to pee; but bound as she was there was nothing she could do about it. And then she was coming, a multistage orgasm that seemed to start somewhere far away and crash over her like a wave.

Annabel closed her eyes for a minute, feeling suddenly empty as Carla pulled out. But when she opened them again the dildo was staring straight at her with its one eye. She gamely opened her mouth and took it in, getting a big mouthful of her own juices. As she sucked Carla leaned over her and began to swat her on the rump, one cheek then the other, back and forth and back and forth.

Carla kept up this rhythm even as she moved back around and slid the strap-on into Annabel’s pussy again, then reached over and untied Annabel’s left leg, pivoting her onto her side for a different angle of penetration. Annabel sighed, then giggled; some entirely new parts of her womb were being touched, and it was a funny, ticklish sensation.

Annabel’s laughter turned to ragged panting as Carla fucked her harder and deeper, holding her hips and grinding with relentless force. She looked up helplessly at Carla and seemed to be trying to say something, but couldn’t get any words out. Carla began to sense that she was on the brink of a truly momentous climax but just couldn’t quite get there.

After changing her angle of entry again, Carla finally gave up, dropped to her knees, and with three quick licks to the clit sent Annabel over the edge. Annabel’s thighs squeezed around Carla’s head, quite unconsciously, but hard enough and for long enough that it was all she could do to pry them apart before she passed out.

Trying to catch her breath, Carla stood up and went to the bathroom for a glass of water. When she came back Annabel was laying there with half-open eyes, gazing vaguely toward the window, but appearing mentally to be somewhere else altogether. She was well taken care of, but Carla herself felt the need to come again before she got on with her day.

She was in the mood for something different, something special. She went to her bedside table and dug through all her toys until she came across her Hitachi vibrator, which hadn’t been out of the drawer in quite a while. She switched it on to test the battery, and got a little thrill when it started to buzz in her hands.

Unharnessing her strap-on and setting it aside, Carla took a seat in the chair next to the window and spread her legs. Annabel looked on in dazed half-consciousness as Carla vibed herself to orgasm, then went for a second, third, and fourth. Finally Carla forced herself to turn off the little machine and put it down. That was the problem with vibrators — they were all too efficient, and next thing you knew you were too desensitized for regular sex. She remembered now why it had been in the drawer for so long.

After washing and drying the vibrator, Carla buried it deep enough in the drawer that she wouldn’t find it again for a while. Contentedly whistling a tune, she untied Annabel’s ankle from the bed, then freed her hands. Snapping the leash onto Annabel’s collar, Carla led her downstairs on her hands and knees. There Annabel set about making dinner while Carla checked her phone. They both were quite content in their roles, and had everything they needed for the moment.


Friday, January 18, 2019

Dominated by Her Stepdaughter, Chapter 88

Annabel flushed red and felt, simultaneously, a chill down her spine and a tingle between her legs. She tried to think of what “misbehavior” Carla might be referring to. She couldn’t think of anything, but she had grown up in a religious household and was familiar with the concept of original sin. She knew that what she’d done or hadn’t done didn’t matter at the moment; all that mattered was what Carla wanted.

Amira extended a hand and Annabel took it, allowing the striking black woman to help her up from the couch. As they walked across the room Annabel had already made up her mind: She was not going to resist but to embrace this moment, make the most of it.

Looking over at Carla, wanting to show what a good and obedient girl she was, Annabel stripped naked and pressed herself against the glass. It felt cool and hard against her erect nipples. Amira gagged and tied Annabel as she had Loren, who meanwhile curled up on the floor at Carla’s feet, availing herself of Annabel’s abandoned snifter.

Annabel took a deep breath and tried to brace herself, but nonetheless she flinched and trembled when the belt dug into her flesh. As Amira disciplined her slowly and methodically, Annabel watched herself in the mirror, hypnotized by the way her breasts bounced with every blow. Carla, meanwhile, had pulled off her yoga pants and started touching herself until Loren, taking the cue, leaned over between her legs.

Did Carla feel a little guilty about having Annabel spanked for no reason? Maybe deep down she did; but for now she was totally caught up in the moment, quite enjoying having her pussy licked while she watched her stepmother get punished.

After awhile Annabel felt herself rise above the pain; the woman she saw getting spanked in the mirror was no longer her. But she thought that woman looked beautiful, strong, and brave despite being bound and submissive. Soon after this Amira dropped the belt and came up behind her, wrapping an arm around her and kissing her neck. Annabel sighed, enjoying the way Amira’s firm breasts and hard nipples felt against her back.

Turning, Amira disappeared into the bedroom for a minute and when she returned, the massive strap-on that she was wearing preceded her into the room. Annabel had leaned forward against the cool glass, closing her eyes and letting the last reverberations of the pain echo through her body. So she was taken by surprise when Amira reached down, pulled her thighs apart, and pushed the long, girthy phallus up into her.

Annabel let out a yell that, even through her gag, echoed through the room loudly (without the gag, it would surely have disturbed Amira and Loren’s neighbors). Loren looked up from between Carla’s legs, a little envious that Annabel was getting fucked before her. Hopefully her turn would come before the night was through.

Amira hunkered down into a wide-legged stance so she could thrust up into Annabel, driving the blonde a little harder into the glass with each thrust. Annabel came like a freight train once, twice, three times, and just when she felt like her insides were being turned into jelly, Amira pulled out.

Loren immediately crawled over and began to lick the strap-on clean. She knew what her mistress liked and hoped that she would immediately be rewarded. But after letting Loren work for a minute, Amira pushed her away and ordered her to untie their guest, then walked over and took a seat on the sofa across from where Carla was sitting.

Carla glanced over at the sizable dildo standing up from between Amira’s legs, feeling an urgent itch between her own. Across the room Loren untied Annabel’s hands and took her arm, helping her to walk somewhat gingerly back over to the couch. As she sat down Carla looked over at her, then back at Amira.

For a long moment it was quiet in the room. Carla knew what she wanted to do, but she didn’t want Annabel to see her do it. First she located Annabel’s yoga pants, which she used to bind the older woman’s hands behind her back. Then she used her own pants as a blindfold, making sure that the rather damp crotch was strategically located over Annabel’s nose.

Satisfied with her arrangements, Carla walked over to Amira and climbed up onto the chair. Placing one knee on either side of Amira’s lap, she maneuvered so that her puckered pussy lips were kissing the tip of the dildo. Her eyes and Amira’s met, and something passed between them; it seemed that they understood each other. Taking a deep breath, Carla slowly lowered herself onto the meaty shaft.

Loren, meanwhile, took advantage of Annabel’s helplessness by pushing the older woman’s head down between her legs. Well-trained as she was, upon smelling a wet pussy that needed her attention, Annabel stuck out her tongue and got busy.

After less than a minute, Carla was shuddering into a climax. For an interval that seemed very long but wasn’t, she was completely still, letting the pleasure pulse through her body. Then she began slowly moving up and down again as Amira pulled off her top and her bra and srarted aggressively squeezing and fondling her tits.

Loren had now moved into 69 position atop Annabel, lapping gently at Annabel’s pussy as she ground her crotch down onto the older woman’s face. Copious juices coated Annabel’s mouth, ran down her chin, and dripped onto the couch.

Amira took hold of Carla’s hips and lifted her into the air, high enough that only the tip of the dildo was still inside her. In this position Amira was able to reach Carla’s breasts with her mouth, and she took the time to suck and nibble on each nipple before forcefully pushing Carla down again, driving the strap-on all the way up inside her.

Carla howled loudly enough that Annabel, whose head was clamped tightly between Loren’s legs, wondered what was going on. Carla kept moaning through a second orgasm, then a third, as Amira cupped her ass with one hand and used the other to stroke her clit. When she finally climbed off Carla was dizzy and sure she wasn’t going to walk right for a few days, but she was buzzing with bliss from head to toe.

Loren wanted more than anything to take Carla’s place atop the enormous member, but before she could untangle herself from Annabel, Carla had dropped to her knees and unharnessed it. So Loren could do nothing but watch as Carla spread Amira’s legs, bent forward, and started to lick and kiss the black woman’s muscular thighs.

Amira leaned back and picked up her glass of brandy as Carla began to pleasure her, feeling more than entitled to some compensation for all the work she’d done. But after a few minutes Carla paused in her ministrations and stood up. For two days now she’d had an image in her mind of Amira’s bald head burrowing between Annabel’s legs, and she’d been wondering what that felt like.

Carla had always been agile, and all the more so now that she was doing yoga. So it was not too difficult for her to climb up onto the chair and arrange herself upside-down with her knees resting on Amira’s shoulders. In this position she resumed licking Amira’s pussy and was rewarded with the sensation of smooth skin against her thighs and a thick, strong tongue pushing its way inside her.

Loren found this such a lovely sight that she thought it unfair for Annabel to be deprived of it. When she pulled off the blindfold Annabel blinked and her vision was blurry; it was hard for her to tell what she was seeing. But her eyes gradually focused in on the tableau before her, and when they did she gasped; it was an astonishing sight, worthy of being preserved as a sculpture, she thought.

Annabel and Loren sat watching, rapt, as Amira and Carla gratified each other. They seemed to be competing to see who could make the other come harder. Amira had the advantage of her large and powerful tongue; Carla was helped by the fact that all the punishing and fucking she’d done had worked Amira up into a highly excited state.

In the end, you’d have to call it a tie — there was no winner, and certainly no loser.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Dominated by Her Stepdaughter, Chapter 87

Carla invited Loren and Amira to join her and Annabel, and they chatted — for the most part pleasantly — through two rounds of drinks. The only discordant note came when Loren went to the bathroom and stopped on her way back to talk to a tall, willowy woman with short blond hair. When she returned to the table Amira fixed her with an icy stare and growled, “I thought I told you not to talk to her anymore.”

“You’re not the boss of me,” retorted Loren with childish petulance.

“We’ll see about that,” said Amira.

Carla and Annabel both felt uncomfortable witnessing this exchange; they didn’t know that this was a game Amira and Loren played all the time. Amira would make arbitrary rules for Loren, who would then break them so Amira would have a reason to punish her.

But in the moment it felt very awkward, and Carla quickly changed the subject, making fun of the band — they had been downing free drinks throughout their performance, and now sounded like they were playing three different songs. She soon got everyone laughing and the tension was forgotten.

When their glasses were empty Amira invited Carla and Annabel for a nightcap; her and Loren’s apartment was just a couple of blocks away. Carla hesitated for a moment, worried that Amira and Loren’s tiff would continue, or even escalate, in the privacy of their home. But she was curious, a little drunk, and very horny — their little tryst with Dylan now seemed like ages ago — so in the end she agreed.

The four of them walked together through the warm SoCal night to an Art Deco apartment building facing the ocean. This was quite an old building by L.A. standards, and though a little worn around the edges it was quite charming, with high ceilings and ornate windows. Walking right past the elevator, Amira led them up two flights of stairs and down a dimly lit hallway to the door of the apartment.

Once they were inside Amira beckoned Carla and Annabel to sit on the couch. She and Loren disappeared into the kitchen for a minute, and when they returned, Loren was carrying two snifters of brandy, while Amira had a third in one hand and the bottle in the other. Loren put one glass down in front of Carla and another next to Annabel; Amira gently sat the bottle on the coffee table, and, after taking a sip of her brandy, said, “I hope you don’t mind if we conduct a little personal business.”

Carla shook her head no, although she was unsure exactly she was agreeing to; Annabel just stared uncomprehendingly. “Make yourselves at home, please,” said Amira, and Carla and Annabel both picked up their snifters and leaned back to see what was going to unfold.

Amira crossed to the other side of the room, where there was a tall and long but narrow glass table. Loren followed, shedding clothes as she went; by the time she was naked Amira had stood the table up on one end, making it about six feet tall.

Loren now walked around to the side of the standing table opposite the legs and pressed herself against the glass, wrapping her arms around the ends and clasping her hands together on the other side. Amira, after setting her snifter down on a windowsill, used a length of cord to bind Loren’s wrists tightly together.

In this position Loren’s breasts were mashed against the surface of the glass, making her nipples outsized and vivid. There was a full-length mirror on the wall opposite the table where Loren could watch herself, and she did, flexing her hips so that her dark brown bush was also pressed against the table. She just loved putting on a show for visitors.

After slipping a red ballgag into Loren’s mouth and tying it off, Amira reached down and pulled off the belt she was wearing. It was a thick, heavy strip of black leather, which she now looped around her hand and snapped in the air.

Loren winced, as did Carla and Annabel. Both of them sipped their drinks nervously as Amira spun, bent her knees a little, and brought the belt down hard on Loren’s tender rump. Loren grunted into her gag; the sound reverberated off the glass and reached Carla and Annabel as if it was coming from somewhere far away.

As Amira spanked Loren all up and down her back body, every time a blow landed, her flesh bristled and her breasts jiggled like jello for a moment before settling back into stillness. Carla thoroughly enjoyed every second, but Annabel was a little uneasy; she kept picturing herself in Loren’s place. She thought back to when she had been punished publicly at Blair’s; ever though there had been more people there, this seemed more humiliating somehow, because it was more intimate.

But Loren did not look distressed; she seemed resigned, even serene. And she became all the more so as the punishment continued; by the time Amira stopped, dangling the belt from one hand, Loren was positively glowing.

Amira reached down with her free hand and slid two thick fingers into Loren’s sopping-wet pussy. She wriggled them around inside until it was clear that Loren, who was on a hair trigger, was about to come. At that point Amira pulled the fingers out, removed Loren’s gag, and had her lick them clean.

That was all Loren got for the moment. Amira untied her and she stood back from the table, rubbing her wrists and stretching, as Amira recrossed the room. Pointing to Annabel, she said to Carla, “Does this one need any correction?”

Carla sipped her brandy, looking thoughtful as a sly grin curled the corners of her mouth. “Now that you mention it,” she said, “she has been misbehaving a bit lately.”


Friday, January 4, 2019

Dominated by Her Stepdaughter, Chapter 86

Since the yoga class was not till late, Carla and Annabel decided to go out to dinner beforehand. After changing into their yoga clothes they drove to a bar and grill close to the studio where the class would be.

All throughout dinner Carla could feel eyes on them — several guys at the bar craned their heads rather unsubtly to get a better look. Carla didn’t necessarily mind men looking at her; she rather enjoyed knowing that no matter how much they wanted her, they would never, ever have her.

Looking over at Annabel, who appeared oblivious to everything but her steak, Carla began to speculate. Annabel had fallen under the sway of first her father, then herself. Would there be others in the future? Would they be men or women? Or would Annabel finally take charge of her own life? Carla was curious to find out, but not in a hurry. There was plenty of summer still to go.


* * *

After dinner they took a short walk around the neighborhood and then headed to the yoga studio. This was not their usual place and it took them a minute to find the entrance. By the time they did it was almost time for the class to start; they quickly checked in, then climbed a narrow, winding staircase to a large room lit by only by a handful of flickering candles. The atmosphere was warm and soothing, and both Carla and Annabel immediately felt more relaxed just being there.

Asha was already at the front of the room sitting on her mat, golden eyes shining in the candlelight. She nodded at them but didn’t say anything; she appeared to be in a meditative, almost dreamy state. She looked astonishingly beautiful in a scarlet bandeau and extremely sheer knee-length pants. Carla got excited at the idea that Asha had dressed with her in mind; it probably wasn’t true, but she liked thinking it.

A half-dozen women were scattered around the room, including Dylan, whom Carla had texted during dinner to suggest that she come to the class. Dylan winked at them, then returned her attention to the front of the room as they quietly set up their spaces. Soon after Asha spoke up.

“Welcome, everyone,” she said in a low, husky voice, “to twilight yoga. We’ll be taking it nice and slow tonight. By the end you’ll hopefully feel completely peaceful. If you fall asleep, that’s OK too.”

There was no chance of Carla falling asleep with Asha in the room, though she was visible mostly in silhouette, as were the other women in the class. But strangely enough,  for the first time ever, Carla found herself thinking more about yoga than sex. During the class she forgot herself, and when it was over she felt suffused with a sense of serenity and well-being; it was like some magic spell had been cast on her.

Afterwards Carla delivered Asha’s invitation but, not wanting to disturb the hush that had fallen over the room, was hesitant to speak to her. Finally she just whispered “Thank you,” and Asha surprised her by reaching out to hug her. It felt delicious and Carla milked it for all it was worth, savoring the feeling of Asha’s lithe form against her own. But though the attraction was powerful, Carla felt completely calm and patient, confident that everything was going to unfold as it should. After a few seconds she released Asha and turned to go.

She found Annabel and Dylan quietly stowing away their blocks and straps. Carla’s eyes met Dylan’s and an unspoken communication passed between them. Without a word the three of them walked out to the street and went to their cars.


* * *

A few minutes later, when Carla and Annabel walked into Dylan’s house, she was already laying on her bed naked. Annabel leaned down to kiss her as Carla spread her legs and began to finger-fuck her. Dylan eagerly pulled off Annabel’s clothes, sucking on her tits then encouraging her to climb up onto the bed. Dylan began to slurp away at Annabel’s pussy as Carla dropped to her knees and took a taste of the redhead’s ever-delicious cunt.

They were laying in bed together an hour later, languid in post-coital bliss, when Dylan’s phone buzzed. She picked it up, looked at it for a few seconds, then muttered “Shit.”

“What?” asked Carla.

“My husband. They suddenly shut down production on the project he’s working on. He’ll be home in an hour.”

“I suppose you’ll be wanting us to leave then,” Carla said somewhat peevishly.

“Unless you want to stick around and help me relax him,” said Dylan with a leer.

Carla frowned and made a face. “Pass.” Glancing at Annabel, who had a faraway look in her eyes, Carla wondered: If I wasn’t here, would Annabel stay? Natural submissive that she was, she probably would have; just the idea of it was enough to make Carla want to give her a good spanking.

Carla and Annabel dressed and wished Dylan goodnight. It still felt earlyish to Carla, so she decided they should have a drink before going home. They drove to one of her favorite lesbian bars and ordered old-fashioneds, taking a seat in a quiet corner as a jazz trio played at the other side of the room.

They had just about finished their drinks when a bartender appeared with a fresh round that they hadn’t ordered. Nodding her head to back and to her left, she said, “From the ladies at the bar.”

Carla had to crane her head to see past a gigantic potted plant to the bar, where all she could make out at first was the top of a dark-skinned, hairless head. Standing to get a better angle, she saw Amira and Loren standing there smiling at her; Amira raised her glass in salute.

A little shudder of excitement ran through Carla’s body. The night had just taken a turn, she could tell.
